Warm Up with Spicy Terpenes

BUDS! It’s getting chilly out so we wanted to help you warm up with some spicy terpenes.

Spicy Terpenes
(Terpenes are the phytochemicals in plants that produce the scents you smell.)

Different strains of cannabis produce a variety of different smells. If you’re a fan of fall and all it has to offer, you may be interested in looking for strains with these particular terpenes:

Caryophyllene: found in black pepper, basil, oregano. (Gives off scents of pepper, cinnamon and cloves.)

Linalool: found in lavender, jasmine, basil, thyme. (Greets the nose with spicy and floral notes.)

Terpinolene: found in lilacs, apples, nutmeg, cumin. (Herbaceous, floral and spicy notes can be picked up from this terpene.)

Myrcene: found in hops, lemongrass, basil, mangoes. (Responsible for the peppery, spicy, balsam flavours that are common in beer.)

Pinene: found in pine, basil, dill, cedar, parsley. (Notes of Christmas trees, pine and spices.)

Terp Profile
(Cannabis Terpene Family)

Spicy Strains to look for:

Author : Chloe Fox @puffpuffplant_

Editor: Corwin Nicasio

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