Indoor Vs. Outdoor Growing




The main benefit of growing indoors is that you can control the environment. You are able to manipulate elements such as lighting, humidity and wind to your exact requirements. You also have the opportunity to grow all year round. Indoor growing is also a great way to protect your plants from pests and other hungry critters (such as rabbits) who live outdoors.


One of the downsides to growing cannabis indoors is the cost. You will need to purchase many items such as a tent, light(s), a fan, a humidity reader, a growing medium, pots, nutrients, spray bottles and a mechanical timer. You will also need to consider that your electricity bill will go up. In addition, your plant growth is limited to the size of the tent; inhibiting its potential to grow. 



There is absolutely nothing that beats the power of the Sun. While LED lights can be very beneficial, cannabis plants that get to utilize Nature’s Sun tend to have much bigger yields. When growing outdoors, you also get to utilize the power of symbiotic critters such as ladybugs, ants and wasps which will prey on mites and other pests. 


A downside to growing outdoors is that you can’t control the environment. Sometimes it rains for a week straight, sometimes there is no wind, sometimes it is way too hot and all the while your plants have to just wait for Mother Nature to switch it up. Along with environmental control, it can be a struggle to deal with creatures and pests who may enjoy snacking on your cannabis plant. If there are other people growing nearby and their plants end up being male, you also may run the risk of pollinating your plant. Finally, you’ve got to watch out for neighbourhood vandals who may be interested in stealing your plants. 

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