How To Introduce Cannabis To Your Loved Ones

Smoking cannabis can be a great way to relieve stress over the holidays. While we think cannabis consumption should be accepted as easily, if not more so, than a glass of wine, there is still some stigma around the plant that may need to be addressed.

Step One: The first step in initiating cannabis-friendly conversation is figuring out which family members would be open to talking about the plant. 

Step Two: Help educate family members on the benefits of cannabis outside of getting high. Explaining the difference between the cannabinoids (THC, CBG, CBN, CBD, etc) or how cannabis may help you with symptoms of pain, appetite, and relaxation can help show your loved ones that the plant isn’t just for “lazy stoners.” 

Step Three: Cater the experience to the individual’s needs. If you know your family member may benefit from cannabis but are afraid of getting high, try introducing them to CBD or CBG products. Perhaps grandma would enjoy a nice CBD tea or a topical that may help with something like pain. 

Step Four: Ask questions to find out what kind of worries one may have about cannabis. For instance, if your loved one thinks that smoking weed will only make you lazy, take the opportunity to discuss how terpenes can control the different feelings we have when we consume cannabis and some individuals find certain strains to be very energizing. 

We’ve come a long way but there are still going to be some individuals who are just not open to cannabis consumption- and that’s okay! No matter what someone’s beliefs are it’s important to stay respectful and not get pushy. After all, cannabis is about lightening up. 

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