
Can Cannabis Help With Focus?

It’s funny to think how cannabis has been labelled as something that would make you “lazy and forgetful”, but at the same time, considered a performance enhancing drug. 

The truth is, cannabis can induce all sorts of different feelings and sensations in the human body and it all comes down to the levels of cannabinoids, terpenes and the individual’s genetic makeup.

When it comes to focus, one particular terpene stands out with some promising research behind it– pinene.

Pinene is one of the most abundant terpenes in nature. It can be found in plants such as pine, rosemary and basil. 

Pine Needles


Think back to a time where you walked through a forest, picked out a Christmas tree or even used a pine scented cleaner- how did it make you feel?

Studies show [ncbi], pinene has the potential to counteract the short-term memory loss symptoms found with those who consume tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Pinene works by prohibiting the activity of acetylcholinesterase, which helps you increase memory recall.

Pine Forest
Evergreen Forest

Pinene also has the potential to increase euphoria and alertness.  It can work with THC to act as a bronchodilator, and work with CBN and CBD as a natural antibiotic. Of course, it is important to remember that each individual experience with cannabis is different and more studies are needed.

For those who are interested in experimenting with strains high in pinene, consider trying the following…

Have you ever noticed certain cannabis strains make you more or less focused?

We’d love to hear about it…

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Author : Chloe Fox @puffpuffplant_

Editor: Corwin Nicasio

@budssmokestores | | (905) 637-BUDS (2837)

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