Cannabis Topical 101

Applying cannabis to the skin is a great way to obtain the benefits of the plant without consumption. For those individuals who are uncomfortable with *getting high* using a topical can help improve their day-to-day lives. Currently, in Ontario, you can find topicals in a salve, cream, oil, gel, and roll-on format.

Topicals are commonly used for…

-Anti-Aging (treats sunburn, reduces acne, moisturize)
-Aid Skin Conditions (i.e., psoriasis, eczema)
-Potential to Reduce Pain (i.e., inflammation)

Some of our favourite topicals on the market right now include…

Wildflower- CBD Relief Stick

-Wildflower’s most potent formula
-blended with powerful anti-inflammatories such as arnica and wintergreen
-easy application

Axea- CBD Beard Grooming Oil

-helps fight dryness and frizz
-nourishes the skin underneath hair

Earth Kisses Sky- SHINE Salve

-contains all-natural and herbal ingredients
-use on face and body
-moisturizes and nourishes skin
-reduce redness

Mary’s- Compound 1:1

-contains the benefits of both THC and CBD
-citrus and basil scented
-may help to reduce body pain

Axea- Frankincense Dead Sea Pink Himalayan Salt

-helps skin feel soft and silky
-Himalayan salt helps to relax the muscles
-clear your senses

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